CGBD-03 Super Heroine Saves the Crisis !! Space Chaser - Red Earth
Miyuki Tenchi, the investigator who follows after her former co-worker and criminal, Iburai, and Spear, the Space Council investigator who follows after the suspected criminal Ganz, whose search has been conducted all over the space, met by chance and failed to catch the targets with each other. Spear, who has no data of the earth other than the language, asked Miyuki for cooperation to catch Ganz. Miyuki accepted with bad grace. After the ivestigation they found Iburai at last. Spear stopped the interferance of the henchmen. Miyuki followed after the running Iburai, but failed again due to the intercept of Ganz. Ganz, who wanted a hostage to kill Spear, beat Miyuki with his overwhelming power and took her to a deserted warehouse. Ganz, who could produce narcotic drug from the female body fluids, deprived the life energy of Miyuki before inserting a needle to abstract her body fluids. Miyuki got into a desperate situation, when Spear came to save her...
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