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TOR-36 Legarian 03

Dictator Yang has got two treasures now. There are three in all, and Legarian, who has trained deep in the mountains, owns the last one. The most fierce battle is about to begin over the treasure now. Because of a small accident in the past, dissatisfied Legarian is hired as a bouncer at a rundown bar. There a bunch of Yang’s henchmen show up before her. She is taken off guard, and as one of the secret accupressure points is pushed, she cannot move a muscle. Now Legarian has to endure their nasty disgrace. Not only that. She is subjected to the most humiliating surrenders by the bar master and drunkards. Then she is chained in Yang’s lair, her body is punishmentd by his men, and Legarian is disgraced with strange liquids poured all over her body. Finally the last treasure is in the hand of Yang…. What will happen to Legarian?! She has got into the worst possible trouble!

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