THP-22 Super Heroine in Big Crisis 22
Brainer is a circle of geniuses who considers themselves as chosen ones. They plan to select a certain group of people and use them for their agenda. To protect humans from and fight against Brainer, an attack force is organized; that is Planet Unit Earthman. In the battle with the clan’s new-type combatants, however, Mayumi Nagisa aka Earth Blue, the only female member of Planet Unit, faces a tough fight. Though terribly exhausted, Earth Blue beats all of them, but another strong enemy appears before her. It is Tormentor, a humanoid monster sent from Brainer, who attacks and tortures Earth Blue with its overwhelming power. Tormentor even attacks Earth Blue with her own weapon Marine Arrow, snatching it away from her, and she is defeated in the end. Earth Blue, also the brain of Earthman and creator of the special armored suit, is mercilessly tortured by the enemy who wants the weapon’s secrets from her. Battered Earth Blue endures all the pains and pleasures of tortures, and she takes her last chance to survive and win the battle.【HAPPY END】
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